This Mumbai couple's wedding was all recycled products, decorations to cutlery - Lifestyle


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Sunday, June 24, 2018

This Mumbai couple's wedding was all recycled products, decorations to cutlery

This Mumbai couple's wedding was all recycled products, decorations to cutlery

Prashin Jagger and Deepa Kamath
Prashin Jagger and Deepa Kamath. Picture courtesy: Instagram/thevaas
You cannot possibly imagine an Indian wedding without its pomp and show, even if one has to exhaust all of his or her savings.
A couple in Mumbai, however, managed to tie the knot in a ceremony that was not only pocket-friendly but also environment-friendly.
Meet Deepa Kamath and Prashin Jagger, who recently got married amid family members using mostly recycled products, in an attempt to leave lesser impact on the environment.
Picture courtesy: Instagram/malathijogi
Right from decorations to cutlery, the newlyweds used products that were not made by harming natural resources while producing zero plastic waste.
The wedding invites were sent on WhatsApp or verbally, instead of using printed cards.
The main welcome board placed in front of the wedding venue was made from a cardboard box of a LED TV purchased by a friend. Besides, hand-made posters made of old papers and other items were used to decorate the venue.
"There is a lot of misunderstanding about what exactly is eco-friendly. Vendors argued that using tissue papers was justifiable as it is bio-degradable, not understanding that to make them thousands of trees are cut and it's made from fresh pulp," Jagger, a freelance photographer told Indian Express.
Convincing the vendors to use eco-friendly products for the wedding turned out to be the most tedious task, revealed Kamath. "It took us many meetings to convince them about what were the things we wanted to use and they tried to coax us to give in to the ongoing practice saying 'log kya kahenge' (what will people say)," she said.
Contrary to expectations, guests at the wedding were in fact happy and welcoming of the change.
Kamath, who is now learning Pali, stressed on how it was not just a theme wedding for them. "It is a way of life for us. We believe in bringing something to our home only when there is a real need than a perceived want," she said.
For return-gifts for guests at the wedding, the couple sourced seed balls from a Pune-based NGO, wrapped inside cloth pouches made from scrap, and urged people to plant them wherever possible.

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